Emergency contacts

Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.

Use NHS 111 online or call 111 if you think you need medical help right now.

Samaritans are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. Call 116 123

Local support

For residents of Kent and Medway who are not currently a patient with Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT), call 111 and select the option for mental health, when prompted, to speak to a specially-trained mental health practitioner.  If you are a KMPT patient and need help in a mental health crisis or emergency there is information on the KMPT website. 

Release the Pressure has a highly trained and experienced team available 24/7 to provide expert support no matter what you are going through.

Phone 0800 107 0160 or Text SHOUT to 85258 or for free confidential support at any time.

Free expert advice from trained counsellors is available for every mental health concern.